Make a donation

Make a donation
  1. (required)
  2. (valid email required)
  3. I would like to participate in the following
  4. Friends of Sizabantwana – programme for individuals. Minimum donation promise R150 per month or R1 800 per annum.
  5. My donation shall be paid over in the following manner.
  6. Sizabantwana undertakes to give you regular feedback on the impact of your social investment through emails, newsletters and reports. We shall also issue a tax exception certificate to verify your donation.

It is the belief of SizaBantwana that children need a strong positive environment in order to develop their full potential. SizaBantwana is committed to developing this environment through providing food, clothing, home-based care, health services, social development services, religious services, opportunities for exercise and recreation, training, outreach activities, and community development.

Psalm 146:8-10

The Lord loves the righteous… The Lord watches over the alien

and sustains the fatherless and widow.