
Our Projects

SizaBantwana knows that children do not live in isolation. They are affected by the problems facing their parents and care-givers. In order to truly provide a viable and strong future for these children, SizaBantwana needs to work hand-in-hand with the community to develop sustainable projects.

Since around 40% of adults living in the area have no or very little educational background, they need skills and a trade in order to make a living and support their families.

Education and economic opportunities are the best ways for a community to grow and thrive and healthy, caring communities are the best places for children to live in. SizaBantwana will work with the local and provincial government to develop training and income-generating opportunities.


Located 5 kilometres from the Impilo Centre, in Marite/ Bushbuckridge, – this project commenced in July 2008. It initially cared for 30 children, but the numbers of children has grown to 90 at end December 2008.

The project functions from a double garage attached to a private home of one of the volunteer care givers. The facilities are very basic with cooking and storage of food situated all in one area.

Minimal outside recreational equipment exist. The plan is to relocate this project to a nearby permanent facility as soon as funding becomes available.

Siyakhula Centre

This project is located in Alexandria Trust, Bushbuckridge. The project consists of 5 passionate Child Care Workers from the community to support the orphans and vulnerable children.

Currently there are 109 children receiving care and support at this centre. This program also functions in a garage where daily meals are prepared for the children, however Sizabantwana continues to do its best to fund raise in order to buy their own premises within these communities.

Reading Project

We aim to bring hope to children in a hopeless situation and believe that improved education is the only sustainable way to offer hope to the young generation.

The Reading programme’s objective is to empower children by improving their English reading ability, by improving reading understanding and reading speed.

A secondary but equally exciting objective is to introduce children to the world of computers, getting them to use a computer and to get familiar with keyboard and mouse.

We are also endeavouring to create and promote a culture of reading with the children.

Isibindi - Marite

Sizabantwana is an implementing partner of a child and youth care programme called ISIBINDI for the National Association of Child Care Workers (NACCW).

This programme comprises a group of 12 CYCW (child and youth care workers) that identified orphans and vulnerable children at their homes. They provide comprehensive services including love, care and support, homework assistance, medical care and help in obtaining government grants.

In late 2013, 13 new CYCW were added that will also be trained by the NACCW. Currently there are more than 450 children and youth that are benefiting from this program.

We are also endeavouring to create and promote a culture of reading with the children.

Christian Camps

As an organization we believe that educational and spiritual support will contribute to making a difference in the lives of these children. We believe that these two aspects will help these children to become citizens of integrity and with Godly values.